The RESCU Program
The RESCU Program describes eleven projects which constitute full replacement and rehabilitation of SVCW’s conveyance system. RESCU includes the Gravity Pipeline, Front of Plant, Pump Stations, and Belmont Force Main projects. The Front of Plant includes six of the eleven projects. The Conveyance System Improvements Environmental Impact Report completed and adopted by the SVCW Commission in April 2017 covers work to be done under all the RESCU Program projects.
RESCU and its subsidiary projects are all considered ‘Essential Infrastructure’ and continue to make progress. During the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, our construction crews continue to operate with additional safety measures in place to keep them safe and healthy. Every day, our crew members are checked for COVID-19 symptoms, including temperature, prior to entering a worksite. The crews practice social distancing, frequent hand washing, and wear face coverings. We also disinfect commonly used areas daily to prevent the spread of the virus. Safety is our top priority, and operating during this pandemic doesn’t change that priority.

An update by Teresa Herrera, SVCW Manager
January 2024
We’re getting close to finishing our entire RESCU program! Two of the three parts of RESCU are already in service. Our Gravity Pipeline has been successfully bringing water from three member agencies to the treatment plant: Redwood City, West Bay Sanitary District, and San Carlos. Belmont’s flows are next to enter the gravity pipeline, once all the Pump Stations improvements projects are complete.
The new Headworks facility is bringing the conveyed water to the surface where it undergoes screening for large debris then grit removal for the heavy inorganic material. From there it continues into our main treatment facility via the new influent connector pipeline. All the new in-service facilities are performing wonderfully!
Construction on the last phase of RESCU, our pump stations improvements, are humming along nicely with anticipated completion this year.
We’re excited to be using the new facilities and eagerly awaiting the last phases of work completion. Please read the updates in the individual sections to get more details on completed and upcoming work.
Pump Stations Improvements May 2024
SVCW’s Design Builder, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV), and SPJV’s subcontractor Power Engineering Construction (PEC), approach completion of the Belmont
Front of Plant May 2024
SVCW’s contractor partner, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV), heads towards completion of the Front of Plant (FoP) project. SPJV completed
Front of Plant April 2024
SVCW’s contractor partner, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV), heads towards completion of the Front of Plant (FoP) project. Paving and
Pump Stations Improvements April 2024
SVCW’s Design Builder, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV), and SPJV’s subcontractor Power Engineering Construction (PEC), approach completion of the Belmont