SVCW’s contractor partner, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV), has been making steady progress with the pump stations improvement (PSI) project. At the Redwood City Pump Station, SPJV is continuing with the wet well excavation and backfilling the duct banks and electrical vault areas. The electrical work that is ongoing is in preparation for the new transformer and transformer pad that will be installed at Redwood City Pump Station.
Along Shoreway Road in Belmont and San Carlos, a new gravity pipeline will be installed via micro-tunneling construction to carry raw wastewater from the location of the existing Belmont Pump Station to the location of the existing San Carlos Pump Station. This month, the micro-tunneling machine (micro TBM) will be mobilized onsite to start mining. For micro-tunneling to take place, jacking and receiving shafts have to be excavated and built at intermediate locations along Shoreway Road. A jacking shaft is used to launch the micro TBM, which is operated from the ground surface (i.e., is not occupied) to excavate the alignment (both horizontal and vertical) of the new conveyance pipe, which will be installed in the tunnel support by the micro TBM. The receiving shaft, as its name describes, receives the micro TBM at the end of its underground tunneling activity. In the next few months, the micro TBM will be tunneling from two jacking and receiving shafts at intermediate locations along Shoreway Road as the first major step in the construction of the new gravity pipeline.