Silicon Valley Clean Water (SVCW)’s contractor partner, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV), is making consistent progress on the Belmont Gravity Pipeline (BGP) installation work along Shoreway Road in Belmont and San Carlos. Micro-tunneling work has begun, which includes mining a new tunnel from the existing Belmont Pump Station to the existing San Carlos Pump Station, using a micro-tunnel boring machine (micro TBM). The first phase of the pipe installation work starts at jacking shaft (JS1) and ends at receiving shaft (RS1), where the micro TBM will be extracted from RS1 to start its next micro tunneling activity. A total of 8 shafts will be constructed to support the micro-TBM tunneling and pipeline installation work.
At the Redwood City Pump Station (RCPS), wet well excavation work is complete. SPJV is currently working on rebar installation for the wet well bottom slab and is on target for concrete placement of the wet well slab.
Electrical work continues at RCPS, with ongoing conduit placement on the electrical building slab; the electrical building is located adjacent to, and immediately south of, the wet well excavation.