Construction work at the Front of Plant (FoP) site approaches completion. SVCW’s contractor partner, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV), continues installation of the interconnecting pipeline connection to the WWTP influent. The interconnecting pipeline is a new 63-inch diameter high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe that will convey wastewater from the FoP headworks facility to the existing WWTP. This month, SPJV is finishing installation of all the steel pipe pieces that will provide the final connection to the WWTP influent. This work will be followed by installation of wall spools and pipe supports.
Efforts towards a safe and timely startup of the Front of Plant facilities continue to progress. Functional testing at the Headworks, RLS, and SFS is set for completion this month. These tests are intended to ensure that all systems function as per design prior to full startup. Once these are complete, a 30-day acceptance test at each of the three facilities is set to follow, which will proceed through next month. SPJV is also in the process of concluding the automatic system training for SVCW’s Operations and Maintenance group, which is intended to integrate control strategies with field training to familiarize the O&M staff with operating and controlling the system as a whole.