SVCW’s Design Builder, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV), and SPJV’s subcontractor Power Engineering Construction (PEC), continue restoration of jacking and receiving shafts. Paving and landscaping at jacking shaft 4 (JS 4) has been completed. With this, PEC is preparing to restore receiving shaft 4 (RS 4) by grading and compacting soil for paving. Piping modifications in the San Carlos Pump Station will be completed once acceptance testing is complete at the FoP facility. These piping improvements will be connected to the San Carlos collection system at a manhole via a new 30-inch pipe, which will carry wastewater from San Carlos to the newly constructed San Carlos Drop Structure. The installation of this line will take place through the open cut method, where a trench is excavated to the required depth for pipe placement. Demolition of the Belmont Pump Station will take place at the end of the Belmont project as one of the final construction activities in the RESCU Program.
At the Redwood City Pump Station (RCPS) wet well and screening building, preparations for installation of pump base plates and discharge piping continue, with installations of both set to begin later this month. Simultaneously, work continues at the junction box, where the flow will enter the new screening structure. SPJV completed pouring concrete for the junction box lower walls, which is being cured for 5 days to achieve strength and durability. At the electrical building, SPJV is installing a new switchboard and electrical metering station through coordination with PG&E.
SPJV progresses with structural and electrical improvements at the Menlo Park Pump Station (MPPS). SPJV has completed installation of the sump pump and piping. The newly installed actuators have been connected to permanent power. SPJV has successfully completed functional testing of pumps 1 through 5 in coordination with SVCW’s O&M personnel, and is in the process of conducting startup and commissioning of the variable frequency drives (VFDs) and motors connected to pump 1, and the new MCC. Additional work at the pump station includes installation of miscellaneous electrical equipment and instrumentation.