SVCW’s Design Builder, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV), and SPJV’s subcontractor Power Engineering Construction (PEC), approach completion of the Belmont Gravity Pipeline (BGP) project. The project reached a key milestone last month with the cutover of the new BGP being successfully completed at SCPS. Wastewater from the Belmont and San Carlos collection systems is now being conveyed to the San Carlos Drop Structure, from where it is transported via the new gravity tunnel to the Headworks for treatment. Additional ongoing work includes installation of a new motor control center (MCC), wires and conduits in the electrical room located in the SCPS structure. PEC continues road restoration activities on the south side of the Bair Island connecting piping site to bring the area back to pre-construction conditions. Demolition of the existing, now decommissioned Belmont Pump Station (BPS) will begin this month.
At the Redwood City Pump Station (RCPS) wet well and screening building, SPJV makes headway with electrical and structural improvements. Installation of pipe fittings and appurtenances, such as tees and knife gate valves, has been completed. At the electrical building, wires, conduits and switchboards have been installed. SPJV is performing cutover to the new PG&E service this month. SPJV is also installing valves and miscellaneous pipe supports at the screening building deck and on the sanitary sewer force main.
Structural and electrical improvements at the Menlo Park Pump Station (MPPS) approach completion. A 30-day acceptance test has been completed for all newly installed equipment. This served as the final step in the commissioning process to determine if the systems met contract specification requirements. The pump station is now being operated by SVCW, receiving wastewater influent flows from the West Bay Sanitary District collection system.