At the Front of Plant site, SVCW’s contractor partner, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV), continues to make progress at the Surge and Flow Splitter (SFS) shaft with construction of side walls that will provide additional flow management at the bottom of the SFS shaft. With the side walls on both the north side and the south side of the shaft in place, construction of the second pass walls is now complete. Next steps at the shaft include the installation of foul air piping and connection of the emergency overflow piping connection to the existing overflow protection piping that was installed for the Receiving Lift Station (RLS) shaft. The emergency overflow piping will be used as a recirculation line if the wastewater cannot be diverted to the existing treatment facility.

At the Headworks Facility, installation of electrical conduits and device boxes for various equipment at the new headworks is underway. At the Receiving Lift Station (RLS), SPJV continues to secure precast roof panels in place for the 8 section RLS shaft roof. SPJV is also making preparations for installation of the six new RLS pumps, which will pump raw wastewater entering the shaft from the gravity tunnel, to the Headworks Facility for preliminary treatment. Current work includes setting the sole plates for the new RLS pumps. Sole plates are base plates grouted into a concrete foundation, with the purpose of providing structural and vibrational support for the pumps. SPJV also continues preparations to make the connection of the new Interconnection Pipeline from the new headworks structure to the existing SVCW treatment plant influent channel.