At the Front of Plant, construction work within the Receiving Lift Station (RLS) shaft and Headworks Facility is progressing on schedule. With electrical, mechanical and architectural workongoing at the Headworks Facility, Silicon Valley Clean Water (SVCW)’s contractor partner, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV), is continuing to install piping that will carry raw wastewater from the Surge and Flow Splitter Shaft (SFS) to the RLS and to the Headworks Facility. The piping includes the pump manifold and discharge piping made up of sections of stainless steel, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and ductile iron.

This month, the RLS pump manifold and related piping were brought onsite for coating. These components will be sprayed with a layer of protective coating under low to no dust conditions to ensure maximum adhesion of the protective coating to the pipe. The SFS, located just upstream of the RLS, will provide hydraulic protection for the RLS by providing a space in the conveyance system to dissipate energy without damaging the manifold and RLS pumps during major flow spikes (though expected to be very rare). The two-branch manifold provides connections for the six pumps within the RLS, three pumps to each of the two manifold branches. These pumps will then pump the raw wastewater into the Headworks Facility for preliminary treatment.

With SPJV continuing the installation of the high-density polyethylene pipe (HDPE) discharge pipes, a fusing machine has been brought onsite to fuse the connections between segments of the 24-inch HDPE discharge pipes. The pipes are fused together by applying heat to the pipe ends and then pushing the pipe ends together to make a permanent fusion joint. Upon fusion and installation, these HDPE pipes will be supported by the apron slab, which is located adjacent to the RLS.