At the Front of Plant site, SVCW’s contractor partner, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV), continues to make progress at the Surge and Flow Splitter (SFS) shaft with construction of second pass walls. These walls are intended to serve as the finished wall surface inside the SFS shaft. With the curved steel rebar cages in place, SPJV has completed setting of formwork for the second pass walls and is placing concrete within the forms. Once the concrete has achieved sufficient strength, these forms will be removed and the concrete will be allowed to cure for 28 days. This process involves providing adequate moisture and temperature to the concrete for extended periods of time, to improve its overall strength, stability, and durability. This sequence is performed four times to reach the total height of the shaft.

At the Receiving Lift Station (RLS), installation of utility stations and associated fittings and connections within the shaft has been completed. SPJV continues to install electrical conduits at the maintenance platform. Simultaneously, SPJV is preparing to set precast roof panels for the 8 section roof. Additional miscellaneous work includes installation of doorframes and decks at various locations as well as gas detection systems within the shaft. SPJV also continues preparations to make the connection of the new Interconnection Pipeline from the new Headworks structure to the treatment plant influent channel. This work will continue through the Summer of 2022.