At the Front of Plant site, SVCW’s contractor partner, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV), is actively working in the two shafts – the Receiving Lift Station (RLS) shaft and Surge and Flow Splitter (SFS) shaft, located immediately to the west of (and upstream of) the RLS shaft.
In the RLS shaft, SPJV has installed structural framing above the (2) 60-inch diameter RLS pump manifold to support aluminum grating and handrailing that will serve as the maintenance platform. This platform, when completed, will allow SVCW’s Operations and Maintenance staff to gain access to, and perform regular maintenance activities on the manifold instrumentation, the RLS pumps, and associated equipment. In addition to this maintenance platform at the bottom of the RLS shaft, SPJV installed a mezzanine level (i.e., at a shaft depth mid-way from the bottom) controls and observation platform.

The RLS and SFS shafts share a common wall section. At this interface wall between the RLS and SFS shafts, SPJV will be constructing the final connection between the SFS shaft and the RLS manifold piping. A small section of the interface wall will be cored (or cut through) to connect the two sides of the 60-inch manifolds to new piping installed in the cored holes in the interface wall. Once the connection is complete, wastewater can flow from the new gravity pipe tunnel, through channels at the bottom of the SFS shaft to the six RLS pumps connected to the manifold. The RLS pumps will lift the raw wastewater to the new headworks for preliminary treatment prior to flowing to the existing wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) influent channel. As this work is at the interface of the RLS and SFS shaft walls, a high level of coordination on schedules and work needs to be carried out with Barnard-Bessac Joint Venture (BBJV), the Gravity Pipeline project contractor, which is completing work related to the gravity pipeline tunnel where it enters the SFS shaft. Coordination between the two contractor teams has been progressing with minimal coordination issues.