Construction work at the Front of Plant (FoP) site approaches completion. SVCW’s contractor partner, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV), has finished installation and hydrotesting of the interconnecting pipeline connection to the WWTP influent. This is a new 63-inch diameter high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe that will convey wastewater from the FoP headworks facility to the existing WWTP. SPJV is now working on demolishing the temporary bypass piping after repairing the influent pipeline and installing additional pipe appurtenances and supporting equipment. Simultaneously, paving operations are ongoing as part of site restoration. This month, SPJV continues to lay asphalt concrete (AC) paving in the FoP access area.
Efforts towards a safe and timely startup of the Front of Plant facilities continue to progress. Last month, SPJV successfully completed the 30-day acceptance testing at each of the three facilities, i.e. Headworks, Surge and Flow Splitter Shaft (SFS), and Receiving Lift Station (RLS). This marked the final step in the commissioning process prior to commencing full startup, to determine if the systems met contract specification requirements.