Gravity Pipeline

A bright note during an otherwise gloomy time, Salus, the Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM), completed her first tunnel drive and broke through into the 40-foot deep retrieval shaft at Inner Bair Island in March! Salus came in on time and on target to the “Tunnel Eye.” Barnard-Bessac Joint Venture (BBJV) installed a grout plug against the north wall of the retrieval shaft, which is the wall with the Tunnel Eye as Salus’ target.
The grout plug sealed the inside of the vertical shaft from the soil and groundwater that surrounds the shaft walls. Prior to Salus’ arrival, the shaft was filled with water to allow for a controlled and safe entry. Salus entered the bottom of the shaft onto a BBJV custom-built receiving cradle.
Salus’ breakthrough marks a major milestone for the RESCU Program.