SVCW’s contractor partner for the Gravity Pipeline project, Barnard BessacJoint Venture (BBJV), continues with the installation of the fiberglass reinforced polymer (FRP) pipe inside the gravity tunnel. The pipe install along the downstream segment of tunnel drive 2, which encompasses half the distance from the SFS shaft to the Airport Access Shaft (AAS), was completed successfully. Installation is now underway in the upstream segment of tunnel drive 2, which will culminate at the AAS. Pipe install in the tunnel section between the San Carlos Shaft and the AAS, is also complete. Throughout the pipe installation activities, BBJV is maintaining consistent coordination with its subcontractors and inspectors on each site, to ensure complete safety and highest quality of job delivery.

BBJV has completed initial cellular grouting work from the SFS shaft to a point mid-way along the tunnel alignment towards the Airport Access Shaft (AAS). The contractor completed grouting along tunnel drive 1 last week, i.e. from the AAS to the Bair Island shaft. The cellular grout is intended to fill the annular space between the outside wall of the FRP pipe and the inner surface of the tunnel support segments. At the Bair Island shaft, BBJV has begun inlet structure installation. The Bair Island tee that will connect to the pipe entering the shaft and create the Bair Island Drop Structure has been installed. BBJV is currently backfilling around and above the tee using native excavated soil from the initial Bair Island Shaft excavation, to create the support for the tee structure. Once the backfilling is completed, BBJV will proceed with installation of additional shaft components to complete installation of the drop structure.