Pump Station Improvements
Menlo Park Pump Station
At its March meeting, the SVCW Commission authorized the first part of construction on the Menlo Park Pump Station. The pump station will be rehabilitated in coordination with Shea-Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV) as an amendment to the existing design-build agreement.
Planned work includes replacing the existing pumps, the emergency generator and electrical equipment. The new equipment will improve the performance, durability, and control of the rehabilitated pump station.
Belmont Gravity Pipeline
The project team continues to work on design with the expectation that authorization to complete the design and start construction will be given at the April SVCW Commission meeting.
Redwood City Pump Station
The design for the Redwood City Pump Station replacement is being development with expectations that it will reach 60% design in June 2020. At that point, it is expected to be authorized to move forward to complete design, and then start construction.