Construction work is proceeding at the Redwood City Pump Station. SVCW’s contractor partner, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV), is continuing with excavating the wet well and screenings facility and installing duct banks, which are groups of conduits designed to protect and consolidate electrical and signal cabling between buildings. The pad for the electrical building is also being constructed as part of the electrical building’s foundation.

Along Shoreway road, construction work for the Belmont Gravity Pipeline is progressing. With the first micro tunnel jacking shaft close to completion, SPJV is working on the second jacking shaft along Shoreway road and another jacking shaft close to the San Carlos Pump Station location. As part of the construction work to build these jacking shafts, SPJV will drive sheet piles, which are sections of steel panels with interlocking edges, into the ground to provide for excavation support. With the support of excavation set up, SPJV can proceed to excavate and construct the shafts. These shafts will support the micro-tunneling operations that will be used to construct the Belmont Gravity pipeline, which will carry flows from Belmont to the gravity tunnel connection at the San Carlos Pump Station and thereby to the SVCW Wastewater Treatment Plant.