SVCW’s contractor partner, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV), continues to make steady progress on the Belmont Gravity Pipeline (BGP) installation work along Shoreway Road in Belmont and San Carlos, CA. The micro-tunneling operation from jacking shaft (JS1) to receiving shaft (RS1), is completed. With its completion, the micro-tunnel boring machine (micro TBM) has been extracted from RS1 and has begun mining at the next jacking shaft (JS2) toward RS1.

While tunneling operations at JS2 are underway, SPJV is simultaneously demobilizing from and restoring conditions at the JS1 location to pre-construction conditions. The Support of Excavation (SOE) sheet piles for JS1 will be removed and JS1 will be backfilled to grade, prior to repaving the road surface in that location.
At Redwood City Pump Station (RCPS), SPJV is working on the pump station wet well and screening building. The preliminary work of preparing the pump station wet well foundation is ongoing, with installation of the wet well footings. The wet well footings will be constructed with concrete and rebar for added load transfer and bearing capabilities. Construction of the electrical building continues at the RCPS, with installation of concrete masonry unit (CMU) walls and installation of the roof. CMU wall that has been chosen for the electrical building as the CMU wall system provides strength, durability, fire resistance and energy efficiency.