Pump Stations Improvements December 2021

Construction work continues on the Belmont Gravity Pipeline (BGP) along Shoreway Road in Belmont and San Carlos. SVCW’s contractor partner, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV), has completed the second stretch of micro-tunneling from the second jacking shaft (JS2) to the receiving shaft (RS1). SPJV is now performing restoration of the RS1 site by pouring a sanitary sewer manhole base and installing manhole risers. Micro Tunneling has progressed with the recent completion of the JS2 to RS2 run. Restoration efforts for JS2 will start after the first of the year. As micro-tunneling activity progresses along Shoreway Road, SPJV and its subcontractors are in continued coordination with the neighboring businesses to limit traffic impacts.

JS-2 to RS-2 micro-tunneling

Near the existing SVCW San Carlos Pump Station (SCPS), SPJV continues work on the southern-most of the micro-tunnel receiving shafts (RS4). Following completion of the shored open cut for the pipe extending from RS4 to the wall of the existing SCPS structure, SPJV is nearly done with backfilling the open cut section over the new pipe, and will proceed with pulling the excavation support sheet piles along the extent of the open-cut excavation through the month of December.

Backfill and compaction of open cut at RS4

At Redwood City Pump Station (RCPS), SPJV is proceeding with structural work at the pump station wet well and screening building. Current work includes forming the 1st lift wall and installation of rebar on the west side of the RCPS wet well in advance of the upcoming concrete pour. Installation of the new roof continues at the electrical building.

RCPS wet well work

Structural and electrical improvements are progressing at the Menlo Park Pump Station (MPPS). Following installation of the new roof on the existing pump station building, pouring of the equipment pad for the new electrical gear is underway. Other work involves forming and pouring of the duct banks and switch pad at the MPPS electrical building.


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