SVCW’s contractor partner, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV), and SPJV’s subcontractor Power Engineering Construction (PEC), get closer to conclusion of the Belmont Gravity Pipeline (BGP) project along Shoreway Road. PEC has completed restoring jacking shaft 3 (JS-3), and is now performing restoration of receiving shaft 3 (RS-3). PEC has pulled sheet piles, backfilled the shaft, and are preparing to pave the road and restore the landscaping to pre-construction conditions. SPJV and PEC continue to maintain a high level of coordination with the SVCW public outreach team and neighboring businesses, to limit construction impacts due to traffic modifications.
At the Redwood City Pump Station (RCPS), SPJV makes progress with structural and electrical work at the pump station wet well and screening structure. SPJV is currently setting forms and pouring concrete for the second lift of the wet well structure. SPJV is also preparing to install the new backup generator that will arrive at the site this month.
SPJV continues structural and electrical improvements at the Menlo Park Pump Station (MPPS). This month, SPJV is installing actuators for each of the new pumps at the A-side and B-side wet wells. Simultaneously, several electrical improvements are ongoing within the electrical room. The new variable frequency drives (VFDs), which will be used to control pump motor operations, were installed last month. SPJV is in the process of disconnecting and removing existing VFDs, and completing the cut-over to connect the new pumps to the newly installed VFDs.