Construction work continues at the Belmont Gravity Pipeline (BGP) along Shoreway Road in Belmont and San Carlos. SVCW’s contractor partner, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV), and SPJV’s subcontractor Power Engineering Construction (PEC), have concluded Phase 5 of BGP construction with restoration of jacking shaft 4 (JS-4) and receiving shaft 4 (RS-4). Vadnais trenchless microtunnelling operation from JS-3 to RS-2 was not meeting schedule targetslast month, with MTBM progressing slower than planned. The machine has been successfully retrieved and the last 75 feet of pipeline has been installed via open trench. PEC has begun restoration of RS-2 which will be completed later this month. Simultaneously, Vadnais has begun microtunneling from JS-3 to RS-3, which is the last tunneling operation for BGP. Throughout all microtunneling operations, SPJV, PEC and Vadnais continue to ensure consistent coordination with the SVCW public outreach team and neighboring businesses, to limit construction impacts due to traffic modifications.
At the Redwood City Pump Station (RCPS), SPJV progresses with structural and electrical work at the pump station wet well and screening structure. The wet well screening building has been partially backfilled. SPJV has also begun forming pump pads for the new wet well pumps. This month, SPJV is forming and pouring concrete in the wet well structure, which will be followed by curing and stripping of the poured concrete. Additional ongoing work includes installation of overhead conduits and supports in the electrical building.
Structural and electrical work proceeds at the Menlo Park Pump Station (MPPS). Followed by the installation of the new pump no. 2 in the A-side pump room, SPJV removed the existing pump no. 1, and is in the process of pouring concrete and stripping forms for the new pump pad. These pads are critical to the structural support and stability for the equipment. Once the pad is in place, SPJV will mount the new pump on the pad. With the installation of new pumps, SPJV is also installing new motors for each pump in the motor room. The concrete coating work in the wet well channel has been completed this month and will be followed by installation of baffle walls for managing flows in the wet well. Additional electrical work, such as installation of transformers and other electrical equipment continues in the B-side wet well electrical room.