Construction work progresses on the Belmont Gravity Pipeline (BGP) along Shoreway Road in Belmont and San Carlos. SVCW’s contractor partner, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV) subcontractor Power Engineering Contractors, has completed restoration of Receiving Shaft 1 (RS1) and Jacking Shaft 2 (JS2) and are preparing to pave the JS1 and RS1 sites as SPJV moves towards their next phase of work along Shoreway Road. Shaft restoration work involved pulling sheet piles from the ground, cleaning of soils and mud that may remain on the individual steel sheet piles, backfilling the shaft, and installing manholes in each shaft. Currently, PEC is working on coating the inside of the manholes at JS1, RS1, JS2, and the open cut portion of the work. These activities are being conducted while ensuring consistent coordination efforts with the SVCW public outreach team and neighboring businesses to limit traffic impacts.

At Redwood City Pump Station (RCPS), SPJV continues structural work at the pump station wet well and screening building. The contractor has completed concrete placement of the 1stlift wall on the east side of the wet well and they are actively stripping form work from that concrete placement SPJV will also begin forming the 1st lift walls on the north and south sides for the screening building. At the electrical building, additional work includes housekeeping pad, interior painting and installation of rollup door.

Structural and electrical improvements are progressing at the Menlo Park Pump Station (MPPS). This month, SPJV is installing control panels and power centers in the electrical building. At the existing MPPS building, work is underway to install reinforcement, place concrete, and strip forms for the blister walls, as well as installation of roof coping. Blister walls are small, secondary walls that are being installed around portions of the existing MPPS to protect the building from potential water intrusion during flood events. SPJV and SVCW are also beginning coordination efforts to prepare for the shutdown and rehabilitation of the existing B-side wet well.