Construction work on the Belmont Gravity Pipeline (BGP) along Shoreway Road in Belmont and San Carlos continues. Following the completion of micro-tunneling from the second jacking shaft (JS2) to the receiving shaft (RS2), SVCW’s contractor partner, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV), is working on the installation of a 36 inch Belmont gravity pipe at JS2. Simultaneously, restoration of the RS1 shaft has begun, where sheet piles, which are narrow interlocking sheets driven into the ground for temporary support during excavation, are being removed. SPJV and its subcontractors maintain consistent coordination efforts with the SVCW public outreach team and neighboring businesses to limit traffic impacts.

At Redwood City Pump Station (RCPS), SPJV continues structural work at the pump station wet well and screening building. Following completion of the 1st lift wall on the west side of the RCPS wet well, the contractor will proceed with forming the 1st lift wall on the east side along with the installation of rebar prior to the next concrete pour. Installation of the new roof is also ongoing at the adjacent electrical building to be completed in January. This month inside the electrical room housekeeping pad and interior painting will also be completed.

Structural and electrical improvements are progressing at the Menlo Park Pump Station (MPPS). Current work includes the installation of roof drain pipes for the new pump station roof. This work will be followed by the installation of roof coping, as a protective cover to prevent water infiltration. Additional work involves coring of holes for the new conduits and the installation of conduits in the MPPS building. MPPS experienced a utility outage during one of the recent storm events and the new emergency generator operated as designed under its first emergency event.