With the construction portion of the Belmont Gravity Pipeline (BGP) complete, SVCW’s contractor partner, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV), and SPJV’s subcontractor Power Engineering Construction (PEC), are in the process of performing restoration of jacking and receiving shafts along Shoreway Road. This month, PEC performed hydrotesting at a manhole at jacking shaft 4 (JS-4), which will be followed by paving of the road. Piping modifications in the San Carlos Pump Station will be completed once acceptance testing is complete at the FoP facility. Demolition of the Belmont Pump Station is also in design and will take place at the end of the Belmont project.
Structural and electrical work is continuing at the Redwood City Pump Station (RCPS) wet well and screening building. With the coating work inside the wet wells nearing completion, SPJV is set to install pump base plates and discharge piping at the wet well. SPJV has also begun to pour concrete for the retaining wall on the south side of the wet well structure. Additional work includes excavating and pouring the slab for the junction box, where the flow will enter the new screening structure.
SPJV is making progress with structural and electrical improvements at the Menlo Park Pump Station (MPPS). SPJV has completed the cut-over to connect four of the five new pumps to the newly installed variable frequency drives (VFDs) controlled by the new programmable logic controller (PLC). Simultaneously, efforts towards startup and commissioning of the A-side pumps continue. SPJV has successfully completed functional testing of pumps 1 through 5 in coordination with SVCW’s O&M personnel, and will begin disconnecting and removing the existing, out-of-service VFDs later this month. Additional activities at the pump station include painting the existing building exterior and performing a power cutover to the new PG&E supply.