Construction work on the Belmont Gravity Pipeline (BGP) along Shoreway Road in Belmont and San Carlos continues. SVCW’s contractor partner, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV), has completed the initial microtunneling drive, and is conducting restoration work at the first microtunnel jacking shaft (JS1). Following backfilling of JS1, the support of excavation (SOE) sheet piles have been removed at JS1. SPJV and its subcontractors are working in sequence to limit traffic impacts to the neighboring businesses along Shoreway Road. While restoration work proceeds at JS1, SPJV has excavated JS2 and has initiated microtunneling activities for the next section of the BGP.

Near the existing San Carlos Pump Station (SCPS), SPJV continues work on the southern-most of the microtunnel receiving shafts (RS4). Between the RS4 location and the north wall of the existing SCPS, SPJV has constructed a shored open cut excavation to support the installation of the sections of the BGP that will connect to new piping to be installed inside the SCPS structure.
At Redwood City Pump Station (RCPS), SPJV continues to work on the pump station wet well and screening building. Current work includes preparing the pump station wet well foundation, through installation of wet well footings and pony walls. Footings are part of the foundation of a building to transfer vertical loads to the soil. Whereas pony walls refer to a load-bearing wall that rests on the foundation and supports the floor above it. Both of these structures will be constructed with concrete and rebar for added load transfer and bearing capabilities. Construction of the electrical building is also ongoing at the RCPS, with installation underway of electrical conduits and structural steel components for the roof.

Structural and electrical improvements are progressing at the Menlo Park Pump Station (MPPS). SPJV has completed the installation of a new roof at the pump station building to replace the existing roof. SPJV completed a major milestone for the PSI project by removing the existing stand-by power generator and replacing it with a new stand-by generator. SPJV will be arranging training for SVCW Operations and Maintenance staff on the operations of the new stand-by generator. Other work involves initiating excavation for concrete pads to support industrial voltage electrical switches and conduits that will serve the rehabilitated MPPS.