SVCW’s Design Builder, Shea Parsons Joint Venture (SPJV), and SPJV’s subcontractor Power Engineering Construction (PEC), have concluded restoration of jacking shafts and receiving shafts for the Belmont Gravity Pipeline (BGP) project. Preparations are now in progress to demolish and remove the existing 48-inch pipeline at San Carlos Pump Station (SCPS). With acceptance testing at the FoP complete, piping modifications at SCPS have also been completed. These include connecting the San Carlos collection system flows to the new San Carlos Drop Structure via a new 30-inch pipe constructed through the existing SCPS, delivering collection system flows into the gravity tunnel for transport to the SVCW WWTP for treatment.
At the Redwood City Pump Station (RCPS) wet well and screening building, installation of pump base plates and discharge piping has been completed. SPJV continues installation of additional support features, such as guide rails and discharge supports for the pumps. At the junction box located just upstream of the new RCPS and screening facility, construction of the lower walls as well as upper walls is complete. At the electrical building, SPJV finished installation of the duct bank and conduits that connect to PG&E’s electrical equipment. This will be followed by installation of the new programmable logic controller (PLC) later this month.
SPJV makes headway with structural and electrical improvements at the Menlo Park Pump Station (MPPS). Functional testing on each piece of equipment is being conducted as the equipment is installed. With the startup and commissioning of the new motor control center (MCC) complete, SPJV organized MCC training for the SVCW operations and maintenance (O&M) personnel to familiarize them with operating the equipment. Vibration testing on the newly installed pumps is set to take place this month. Ongoing electrical work at the pump station includes installation of air flow switches, gas detection panel and oxygen sensors. SPJV is also in the process of paving the site with asphalt this month.